Using Your State of Mind to Relieve Anxiety

When you are totally immersed in an enjoyable task, you may feel focused, exhilarated, or blissful. This state is known as “flow.” If you want to know more about it and how you can use it, read this article!

How Is Anxiety Treated in Older Adults?

Anxiety disorders, while typically less common in seniors, can still be a problem as you age. Many older adults with anxiety disorders like paruresis do not get the care or attention they need. Read what has been found to help some seniors who have anxiety.

Key Facts about Shy Bladder Syndrome

Shy bladder syndrome involves your mind as well as your body. Learning more about it can help you to understand what you can do to overcome it. Do you know how common the disorder is? What about how it is treated? If not, you may want to check out this article which will lead you to the answers to all your questions and more.

Are You Too Busy To Try Yoga?

Yoga has been shown over and over again to have great benefits for people struggling with anxiety and depression. Practicing yoga can make such a significant difference in your life, but how can you get started with you already feel overwhelmed with things to do?

What Money Can Do to Your Head

Money can be a double-edged sword. You need it to live, sure, but it can also do nasty things to your paruresis and overall life if you let it. Check out the power money may have over you!

What Clutter Does to Your Mental and Physical Health (Eek!)

If your paruresis is really doing a doozy on you, maybe cleaning out your closet can help. Read on to find out why!

How Greenery Improves Your Quality of Life and Well-Being

Green things make us feel good, especially if we’re living and working in a cramped and decidedly unnatural environment. Learn what nature can do for you and how you can get more of it!

Smashing Your Negative Thought and Taking Back Control

One of the core things that hold us back from conquering the anxiety and habits that hold us back are negative thoughts. I can promise that if you slow down and pay attention to your inner dialogue the next time you find yourself struggling with your paruresis, you’ll find what you’re saying to yourself is […]