When you are totally immersed in an enjoyable task, you may feel focused, exhilarated, or blissful. This state is known as “flow.” If you want to know more about it and how you can use it, read this article!
Where the ‘Big Picture’ Fits for Helping Shy Bladder
Can’t seem to stop procrastinating when it comes to lifestyle changes that could help your shy bladder? Try looking at the ‘Big Picture’ for inspiration. Read on to find out why and how.
Mindfulness or MBSR for Treating Anxiety
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and mindfulness practices have proven themselves highly beneficial for treating anxiety, panic attacks, and more. Learn what it is, the supporting research, and how it can be used to help treat anxiety.
Emotional Fluidity: Learning to ‘Surf’ Anxiety – Part Three
Learn how the ever changing and fluid nature of emotions and mindfulness training can be used in concert to help overcome anxiety, phobias, or panic attacks. Part three of the three-part series, “Emotional Fluidity.”
Emotional Fluidity: Learning to ‘Surf’ Anxiety – Part Two
Learn how “checking gauges” can help with anxiety, and four ways practicing a mental training exercise can help you overcome your fears, regain your confidence, and lead a happier and less stressful life. Part two of a three-part series, “Emotional Fluidity.”
Emotional Fluidity: Learning to ‘Surf’ Anxiety – Part One
Your anxiety can be made easier by learning how to “surf anxiety” and make the most of your “anxiety umbrella.” Part one of a three-part series, “Emotional Fluidity.”