Stress is something we all have to deal with. Our jobs, our family members, and our health can all cause us to feel overwhelmed, but our minds can be a powerful tool for keeping some of the anxiety and frustration at bay.
What Are Your Options for Treating Anxiety?
Part of the trouble with anxiety disorders is that many people do not know how treatable they are. Even if you don’t completely recover from an anxiety disorder, you can still enjoy a higher quality of life. Read about it here.
Using Your State of Mind to Relieve Anxiety
When you are totally immersed in an enjoyable task, you may feel focused, exhilarated, or blissful. This state is known as “flow.” If you want to know more about it and how you can use it, read this article!
How Is Anxiety Treated in Older Adults?
Anxiety disorders, while typically less common in seniors, can still be a problem as you age. Many older adults with anxiety disorders like paruresis do not get the care or attention they need. Read what has been found to help some seniors who have anxiety.
Kick Back and Relax with This Peaceful Song
Learning how to relax is important, especially if you have a disorder like shy bladder syndrome. Learning to manage your anxiety and stress can help you improve many areas of your life. Find out how music may be helpful for improving your sleep and your peace of mind.
Are You Too Busy To Try Yoga?
Yoga has been shown over and over again to have great benefits for people struggling with anxiety and depression. Practicing yoga can make such a significant difference in your life, but how can you get started with you already feel overwhelmed with things to do?
10 Tips on How to Relax Your Mind and Body
Your mind can play a huge part in how you react to stressful situations. Having a negative frame of mind, for instance, can make you much more likely to snap at someone or grow agitated when you have to drive home in traffic. Stress is a normal part of life, but it definitely shouldn’t rule you. Find out how to master it here.
Which Age Group Is Feeling the Most Stress?
Everyone feels stressed from time to time. Stress can even help us to get more accomplished. But can you guess which age group is feeling the most stress in America? Read on to find out!