Shy bladder syndrome isn’t something most people are aware of, so it can be difficult for those who have it to find support and resources. Come read about a study which examined paruresis in a large group of men.
Coping with and Preventing Panic Attacks
If you’ve ever had a panic attack, you know it can be a very stressful and disturbing experience. No one likes to feel like they are unable to control their own body, but panic attacks can make you feel like this. Read about dealing with panic effectively here.
How A Young Woman Overcame Paruresis
Paruresis can be a difficult illness to deal with on your own. As with many anxiety disorders, paruresis can become more manageable with help from a licensed mental health worker. Read about how professionals have successfully treat paruresis here.
Celebrity Anxiety Story: Actress Jennifer Lawrence
You would never think someone who is as confident and beautiful as Jennifer Lawrence would feel overwhelmed by anxiety. But the actress admits that she used to be insecure and nervous in school. Read more about her story here.
How Overspending Eats at Your Mental Health and Worsens Paruresis
Overspending can be a chronic habit that increases anxiety, stress and shy bladder symptoms. Find out why you may do it and how to stop.
Meditation Can Have Major Effects on Anxiety, Study Reveals
Meditating can help you to learn how to exercise greater control over your mind and your body. For people who have anxiety disorders, which often affect you physically and mentally, meditation can provide some much-needed relief.
Treating Anxiety with Various Forms of Exercise
The benefits of exercise are numerous and varied. Many researchers in psychology have studied the effects of exercise on anxiety conditions, and their findings may surprise you. Read more about the topic here.
Health Anxiety and How to Overcome It
As adults get older, they tend to experience more health issues. This can lead to some fear and anxiety over their well-being. Find out how health anxiety can be dealt with here.