Understanding Anxiety, Panic in Older Adults

Anxiety and depression often begin to cause problems for people who are entering young adulthood. The pressures of finding work, starting a family, and dealing with a number of new responsibilities can trigger feelings of stress and worry.

What many people don’t realize is that mental health conditions can also affect people who are past middle age. More attention is being brought to the mental health of seniors aged fifty-five and up.

Some older adults have struggled with anxiety or depression for most of their life. Their mental health condition may have been overlooked, or it may have been assumed that they would “grow out of” their illness, in a sense. While some elderly people do see an improvement in their mental health as they age, this is not always the case.

What kind of issues can trigger depression or anxiety in older adults? The loss of loved ones and friends as people age is one major factor. Another is the loss of connection with family. Retiring from a job can also lead to feelings of isolation, loneliness, and boredom. Older adults who no longer work may feel unimportant or like they lack purpose.

It is important for older adults to stay connected with their peers and family. Forming new connections can also stave off boredom and unhappiness. This can be done by seeking out organizations, clubs and activities to become involved in.

If you want to read about geriatric psychology from an expert, visit the link below.


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