Anxiety Disorders: How Do They Begin?

For many people in our society, stress has become a regular and frequent part of daily life. We have grown used to rushing around, never getting enough sleep, and trying to ignore how tired and unwell we are becoming. Most of us rely heavily on caffeine or cigarettes to give us energy or relax our frayed nerves.

With more people working extra hours or simply trying to find employment, stress is constantly threatening to overtake us. Even children and teenagers seem to be experiencing more anxiety and stress than they used to.

It’s no wonder that so many of us are suffering from anxiety ailments like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), paruresis and panic disorder. Feeling overwhelmed and “stretched thin” is common, but it should not be the norm. We need to be informed of our options so we can have an understanding of how to deal with our stress in healthy and even productive ways.

An article about stress and the rising rates of anxiety describes how so many of us can fall into worrying and excessive, persistent anxiety. The article covers some of the basic questions that people have about anxiety disorders such as how they differ from regular stress. In addition, there is a list of some physical illnesses that can cause people to show symptoms of anxiety and panic.

If you would like to know more about anxiety disorders, you can read the aforementioned article by following the link just below.

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