How to ‘Get’ Happiness (that Helps Alleviate Paruresis!)

Abraham Lincoln noted that a person is as happy as he or she decides to be. Pair that decision with a little action and you can alleviate your stress levels as well as your paruresis symptoms. Read on to learn more!

Why Coffee and Paruresis May Not Make a Good Mix

Too much coffee can mean too much caffeine can mean more severe stress, anxiety and paruresis symptoms. And coffee isn’t caffeine’s only source. Find out how caffeine may be working its way into your diet and how cutting back can give you a peace of mind.

Are You a Negative Nellie? 4 Habits that Can Worsen Your Paruresis

The glass is half-empty. The sun will make you blind. And the sky, you’re sure, is ready to fall. Check out four negative thinking habits that can worsen your paruresis.

Where the ‘Big Picture’ Fits for Helping Shy Bladder

Can’t seem to stop procrastinating when it comes to lifestyle changes that could help your shy bladder? Try looking at the ‘Big Picture’ for inspiration. Read on to find out why and how.

How to Stop In-Law Stress that Exacerbates Your Paruresis

Hanging out with in-laws can be a lesson in patience, tolerance and stress that can exacerbate your shy bladder. Read up on several suggestions for beating the stress and enhancing in-law relationships.

How to Use Compassion to Help Shy Bladder Stress

Most of use don’t need a judge or jury to condemn us; we do it ourselves. Turning that self-abuse into self-compassion, however, can help alleviate your stress levels and lessen your shy bladder symptoms. Read to find out more!

Earworms Be Gone! How to Kill off Intrusive Thoughts to Help Shy Bladder

You’re surely familiar with earworms. They are those annoying songs that play over and over in your head. Like any type of maddening thoughts or stress, such a cycle can worsen your paruresis. But research shows and easy way to get rid of them.

Think You’ll be Haunted by Paruresis the Rest of Your Life? Think Again

You may realize you’ve changed a lot in the past 10 years, but a study found you may be underestimating how much you’re destined to change in the next 10. Read what the study has to say and how it may apply to your paruresis.