How Hypersensitivity Affects Your Paruresis (and Your Life)

If bright lights, strong odors and general chaos make you scream in horror, you may be highly sensitive. Find out more about this condition, which can play a role in your paruresis and your life.

Best and Worst Things to Do for Panic Attacks

Panic attacks are not uncommon if you suffer from paruresis or other anxiety issues. If one comes your way, these tips can help guide you through it.

Socially Anxious May Benefit from New Treatment

For some people, social anxiety can be a major factor in their paruresis. The extreme nervousness they feel around other people can definitely contribute to the disorder. Find out how social anxiety is being treated here.

How Paruresis May Increase Suicide Risk (and What to do About It)

Those who suffer from paruresis and other mental health issues often have a higher risk of suicide, but there are steps you can take to reduce that risk and help keep yourself or a loved one safe.

Key Facts about Shy Bladder Syndrome

Shy bladder syndrome involves your mind as well as your body. Learning more about it can help you to understand what you can do to overcome it. Do you know how common the disorder is? What about how it is treated? If not, you may want to check out this article which will lead you to the answers to all your questions and more.

What Money Can Do to Your Head

Money can be a double-edged sword. You need it to live, sure, but it can also do nasty things to your paruresis and overall life if you let it. Check out the power money may have over you!

Stressed? Anxious? Use This Simple Trick to Calm Yourself

Anxiety disorders can be taxing on your mind and your body. What’s the best way to keep yourself healthy and conquer your anxiety? According to an article from NPR, it may be easier than you think! Read about it here.

What Clutter Does to Your Mental and Physical Health (Eek!)

If your paruresis is really doing a doozy on you, maybe cleaning out your closet can help. Read on to find out why!